by Grant Kennedy | 26 Feb, 2021 | Living Today
Author: Melinda McCredie Prayer is something that God has been challenging me about a lot lately. It seems that every where I turn, people are talking about or teaching about prayer. Even the new series we have just started at church is called, you guessed it, Prayer!... by Grant Kennedy | 19 Oct, 2020 | Living Today
Prayer – it’s an intimate conversation with our Heavenly Father…and no one modelled it better than Jesus on the night before His crucifixion. In this Focus on the Family podcast (video above), Elisa Morgan will explain the elements of that prayer and how we can...
by Grant Kennedy | 19 Oct, 2020 | Living Today
Prayer – it’s an intimate conversation with our Heavenly Father…and no one modelled it better than Jesus on the night before His crucifixion. In this Focus on the Family podcast (video and audio options above), Elisa Morgan will explain the elements of that prayer and...