‘David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone.’ 1 Samuel 17:50 NKJV

Pastor Chuck Swindoll says: ‘Goliath reminds me of the visually impaired discus thrower. He didn’t set any records… but he sure kept the crowd awake! Every day, Goliath paraded along the slopes of the Valley of Elah, issuing threats. The only response from the Israeli troops was the sound of knees knocking and teeth chattering! The giant’s strategy of fear and intimidation worked until David introduced him to the Lord of Hosts, and ‘with a sling and a stone… struck the Philistine and killed him.’ (1 Samuel 17:50 NKJV) To this day, two timeless truths remain.

(1) You won’t win the battle by employing the enemy’s technique. When you fight with the world’s weapons, you become like the world. The Bible says, ‘But there was no sword in the hand of David.’ (1 Samuel 17:50 NKJV) His most powerful weapon—the thing that made him unique and gave him victory—was his inner shield of faith. It kept him free from fear, cleared his vision and gave him composure amidst the chaos.

(2) Slaying giants takes skill and discipline. Wielding the sling and stone of the Spirit is much more delicate than swinging the club of the flesh. Paul says, ‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’ (Ephesians 6:12 KJV)

Now wrestling isn’t a team sport. Goliath said, ‘Choose one man to come down… and fight me!’ (1 Samuel 17:8 NLT) For the duration of the battle, you’re the enemy’s sole target. If you’re facing your own personal giant, be like David; turn him over to God, load up your sling—and let God win the victory for you.

SoulFood: Tit 1–3, Mt 13:47–58, Ps 145:1–13, Prov 4:20–22

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©