There’s a Place at the Table for All of Us

Aug 19, 2020

‘...they made Him a supper; Martha served...Lazarus...sat at the table with Him.’John 12:2 NKJV

After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, we read: ‘a dinner was given in Jesus’ honour.’ (John 12:2 NIV) Martha served, Mary was there too, Lazarus talked to the guests. So, there’s room at God’s table for all kinds of people. Let’s take a closer look at Martha. Marthas are generally in the background with their sleeves rolled up, making sure everybody’s fed and watered. They rarely seek the spotlight, and often we don’t appreciate them until they’re missing. The problem with Marthas is that they’re inclined to make the mission more important than the Master. They need to remember that worship is also service. Marys tend to forget there are bills to be paid and meals to be cooked. Sometimes they act so heavenly-minded, they’re no earthly use. They need to realise that service is worship too. But we need Marys; they bring passion to our worship, and you can always count on them to intercede [pray] with God on behalf of others. ‘...they flocked to see… the man Jesus had raised from the dead… because of him… many… believed in Jesus.’ (John 12:9–11 NLT) Lazarus had a story so amazing that those who heard it became instant converts. He reminds us that we each have a story to share about God’s grace and mercy. When was the last time you shared yours?

So, if you’re a Martha, God sees your labour of love. If you’re a Mary, He delights in your worship. If you’re a Lazarus, He promises to honour your testimony. There’s a place at the table for all of us!

SoulFood: Judg 4–6, Luke 15:1–10, Ps 119:97–104, Pro 18:9
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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