
‘He who finds a wife finds a good thing…’ Proverbs 18:22 NKJV Single people need three things. (1) They need acceptance. ‘He who finds a wife finds a good thing.’ But what if you can’t find ‘a good thing’? By placing all our emphasis on marriage and family, the...

God Is Getting You Ready

‘…first sit down and estimate the cost…’ Luke 14:28 NIV Before God gives you more, He observes [watches] you with what you already have. Furthermore, when He speaks a word over your life it’s like a seed; it needs time to take root and sprout. If God has...

Don’t Be a Woodpecker

‘Love is patient and kind…’ 1 Corinthians 13:4 NLT The space shuttle Discovery was once grounded—not by technical difficulties or lack of funding, but by woodpeckers! The birds found the insulating foam on the shuttle’s external fuel tank irresistible. The foam...

Give Your Marriage a Tune-Up!

‘…be kind to one another, tender-hearted…’ Ephesians 4:32 NKJV The secret to closeness in marriage is not sparkling conversation or shared interests or kisses and cuddles. As good as those are, the secret is practising plain, old-fashioned thoughtfulness...

Start Praying!

‘…Noah…warned by God…[saved] his household…’ Hebrews 11:7 RSV Are you close enough to God to hear His warnings when danger approaches? Noah was, and he saved his family. Are you close enough to your family for them to have confidence in what God has...