Don’t Get Ahead Of God!

Nov 24, 2023

‘In due season He will honour you with every blessing.’Psalm 37:34 TLB

When God gives you a promise or a vision for your life, it’s like a seed; it needs time to take root before it can bear fruit. It’s like the birth of a baby. First conception, then implantation, then pregnancy, and finally the day of delivery. And what do the parents do during this time? Prepare! They get ready for the challenges and responsibilities of parenthood.

You may think you’re ready, but God knows when you’re ready. Though he had already been anointed king, David had to wait about 15 years until God removed Saul from the throne. And during those years he learned valuable lessons. Here is one of them: ‘Don’t be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep travelling steadily along His pathway and in due season He will honour you with every blessing.’ (Psalm 37:34 TLB)

You must learn the difference between what you can do and what God can do. Fools rush in! If you don’t want to risk delaying the fulfilment of God’s plan for your life, don’t get ahead of Him. ‘The vision is yet for the appointed time… it will not fail. Though it delays, wait for it; for it will certainly come.’ (Habakkuk 2:3 KJV) Everything God does is by appointment. And an appointment is simply an event that has already been set. God has scheduled a time for bringing to pass two things in your life: His promises and your vision. And there is great peace in knowing that nothing the enemy does can take away these two things.

So, when you grow impatient, remind yourself, ‘My life can’t end without this happening. God said it, and He will do it!’

SoulFood: 2 Chron 9–12, John 11:28–37, Ps 102:18–28, Pro 27:13–16
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

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