A Prayer for Understanding

Jul 3, 2020

‘But He knows the way that I take...’Job 23:10 NKJV

Are you in a situation you don’t know how to handle? Are people giving you differing opinions and advice? Are you afraid you’ll make the wrong decision? If so, you’re in the place where God can speak to you. Here’s a prayer for you today: ‘Lord, Your Word says that You are “the only wise God” and I am desperately in need of You at this time. I’m in a situation human wisdom can’t explain and human ability can’t fix. There’s only one way out—that’s through You! Send the spirit of wisdom and show me which way to go. Send the spirit of revelation to help me understand what I can’t figure out, for nobody but You can get me through this. Help me to faithfully obey all You show me to do, and to remember that sometimes the wisdom of this world is foolishness to You. Help me to know the difference between human advice and godly advice, and to choose Your way. I submit this situation to You and commit myself to following You, knowing You’ve promised to direct my steps. Help me to walk this road with confidence in You; with the courage that comes from knowing I am Yours. Help me to cling to my convictions, yet still love those who misunderstand me. Keep me far from anger and close to Your heart. And though it’s an uphill climb, take my hand, light my way and help me to walk on, for in the end I know that all things will work together for my good and Your glory: in Christ’s name, Amen.’

SoulFood: Jer 22–24, Luke 4:31–44, Ps 102:12–17, Pro 15:3
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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